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quicker response times

and less down time

Managed Services

Carlson Technologies provides Managed Services that can help keep your business running. This service consists of automation monitoring, alerting, and basic IT services. Automation monitoring results in less downtime, quicker response times and increased protection. Our IT team offers packages that allow you to add monitoring into any budget. Also, our IT team can tackle the issues that pop up while monitoring. Depending on the package, you could receive monthly hours for work orders. So, you can get back up and running in the case of an outage or technical issue.

Smooth business operations rely on an effective monitoring system. For that reason, IT teams observe the health and responsiveness of your business' critical applications. It's important for a business to not only know that their equipment is function but also receive an alert if it's not. Without them, companies rely on customers or internal departments to alert system issues. By that time, it's already causing noticeable issues and effecting productivity.

Packages available

We create plans customized to fit your needs. For example, plans including services that might be billable on another plan. Our service technicians can help create a plan that works for you.

Alerting & Monitoring

Proactive network & systems monitoring with notifications.


Alerting & Monitoring with some additional support included.


The all-inclusive IT support solution.

Let our Team be your Team.